Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dwight Howard Getting Down with Jesus

Dwight Howard, center for the Orlando Magic participated in some activities at the beach that are HIGHLY unusual for a sports star (or celebrity of any kind for that matter). Sorry ladies, no: he was not caught skinny dipping or even strutting around wearing nothing but a Speedo. Instead, Howard decided to get baptized.

There were roughly 500 attendees present to watch as he was officially baptized by Orlando’s Summit Church at Bethune Beach. While the church did not release any photos, some rude spectator snapped this one to spread around (typical nosy A-holes).

It appears that Howard, who commented before he was drafted in 2004 that he wanted to, "raise the name of God within the league and throughout the world", is sticking to his guns on that mission. He has since also founded the Dwight D. Howard Foundation Inc., which provides scholarships to students wanting to attend Southwest Atlanta Christian Academy (his Alma Mater). While I personally might not have named the Atlantic Ocean in the middle of October as my first choice dunking location, I say more power to you, Dwight.

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