Tuesday, November 9, 2010

And the Easy Target Award Goes To…

Tim Tebow, naturally.

Tebow is currently in the process of writing an inspirational book about “faith, family and football” to encourage people to “fulfill their dreams”. The book, dubbed “Through My Eyes” (insert gagging noise here), is scheduled to come out April, 2011 according to HarperCollins.

Tebow, we all know you’re a big douche-y baby, but after this one I don’t think you have any room to complain about that comment being thrown your way (especially the douche-y part): quit mixing personal religion with a religion like American pro football. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but celebrities and sports stars alike attempting to influence their own political, philosophical or religious agendas onto the masses usually results in a crash and burn. If for any reason you don’t believe me, please reference the following video as support to my argument: http://bit.ly/Ob4U.

Mmm, yup, point made.

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