Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cheater Cheater, Offense Repeater

If a picture is worth a thousand words, why didn't any of us catch on after this one was snapped? ... Once a two-timer, always a two-timer. Last week Deadspin reported on the doping of yet another athlete, who is now caught up in yet another accusation: Alberto Cantador.

Just a few weeks ago the three-time Tour De France winner had tested positive for trace amounts of a banned substance, clenbuterol, and was able to play it off as the result of eating foreign steak (this substance is used with livestock in some countries). In combination with the miniscule levels found and the fact that it was found on a rest day - meaning there would have been no need to be doping on his day off - officials believed his story. This time, though, there is no cow or calf that can help him, because we know he’s full of BULL.

Last week, Contador was given a urine test, and low and behold: he failed again. What was found this time, might you ask? Elevated levels of a plastic residue: characteristic of what you would find in the urine of an athlete who had just taken a blood transfusion from a plastic bag. This means Contador had been illegally drawing his own blood before races and re-injecting it into his body. By doing this, he could raise his body’s ability to carry oxygen by raising his red blood cell count.

So where did those trace samples from “steak” really come from? Contador, the dummy, must have previously been doping when he drew the blood originally. When he injected it back into his body for a race, he was also re-injecting the dope. IDIOT: not only will he now be busted for illegal blood transfusions, but he can also be busted for the previous violation of doping. Some people are just so stoopid.

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