Wednesday, March 31, 2010

No More Shit-Talking on El Tigre?

Tiger Texting

Tiger's caddy, Steve Williams, doesn't seem to think that El Tigre is going to face any scrutiny from fans upon his return at the Masters. Hmmm.... Just because Golfsmith, America's largest golf retailer, recently released info claiming that sales of Tiger branded Nike gear are up from last year doesn't mean he's going to be greeted with a straight face from the crowd. I mean, let's be serious, it's gotten so bad there was a billboard campaign, Mistress golf balls and a even an iPhone app inspired by his sexcapades. Still think fans are going to be thinking strictly about his game with those souvenirs available for purchase? Haha, yea, maybe his hole-in-ones. Now if he could just learn to put it in one hole.

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