Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Latest iPhone App for Cheetahs

Tiger Texting

Attention all lying, cheating, or otherwise generally scum-baggy iPhone users: for just $1.60 a month, you can ensure your deceitful ways will go on uninterrupted by significant others of all types. Nosy girlfriend? Wife? Overprotective booty call? Have no fear: simply download TigerText, and you’ll be able to set a timed delete on all of your shameful and/or scandalous texts. It’s like having a housekeeper for your other dirty laundry.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate,

    You are sooo funny!!! I love reading your blog! It makes me laugh with all your clever wit :) Hope all is well and sounds like your training is going good. I will try and send a pledge to you soon!
