Thursday, August 5, 2010

A-Roid Bangs Out 600

…homers, not homegirls that is (Let’s be honest, in terms of getting some, we all know he passed that number longgg ago).

For the first time I can remember, A-Roid is making news for something that doesn’t have to do with Madonna, ‘roid rage or dime-store hookers. Wait a second… I think we all need to take a minute to stop and appreciate this monumental event. Alex Rodriguez breaking news for his actual job on the field, not his recreational activities playing the field? This moment feels strikingly similar to when I noticed Santa had the same handwriting as my mom…

Anyways, moving on: yes, A-Roid did, in fact, hit his 600th homer yesterday in the Yankees’ game vs. the Blue Jays. This adds him to the list of 6 players who have ever hit 600 home runs in their MLB careers – Hank Aaron, Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, Ken Griffey, Sammy Sosa and Barry Bonds. What makes his feat an even bigger deal is that he is now also the youngest player to ever do it. The previous title-holder was Babe Ruth, who broke the 600 mark at 35. A-Roid just turned 35 at the end of July.

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