Friday, August 6, 2010

I'm sorry Knicks fans, but the misery continues...

I can only imagine how difficult it would be to be a New York Knicks fan. Each year, Knicks fans are thinking "Who wouldn't want to play at Madison Square Garden?! NBA champs (insert upcoming year here)!" But then the summer progresses, the Knicks draft some bust like Mardy Collins in the first round, whiff on the top free agents, and despite usually having of the highest payrolls in the league, end up in the early lottery for the next year's draft. To be fair, I am a fan of Mike D'Antoni as their new coach, and they did get Amar'e Stoudamire, but they still are flat out not a good team. And in case any of these earlier blunders don't confirm this for you, they just rehired Isiah Thomas as a 'team consultant'. If you're a Knicks fan, you have to be having nightmares right now. This guy tried his best to screw over the organization as both the president and the coach, never reaching the playoffs despite throwing around money like it was Monopoly money. And I haven't even gotten to the sexual harassment lawsuit he was involved in that cost the team around 11 mil. The only plausible reason I could see the Knicks rehiring Thomas is if they are planning to do some kind of reality show on VH1 chronicling how to destroy a once-proud franchise. But honestly, with the Knicks, this wouldn't even be that surprising.


NBA Champs 2011 for sureeee.

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