Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Brett Favre Retires?!?! (Part 78)

Wait… why does this title not shock me? Oh, right: maybe because this is the 52nd different occasion I’ve seen it plastered across headline news. Judging by the way everyone and their brother seems to be talking about it, I thought maybe I was the only one who considered this worn-out statement to be such old news its to the point of cliché. But, because I absolutely refuse to believe EVERYONE in this world is stupid enough to believe Favre, the repeat offender, I decided to creep around and see what everyone else actually thought about the news instead of continuing to skip over the headlines.

Leroy Butler, former teammate:
Butler has an interesting view on why Brett Favre was not going to retire when he threw out this: "I've always said, from the day when he cried in front of the media in Wisconsin and retired, the guy is a football player," Butler said. "He's not good at anything else."

Terez Owens, sports writer:
Owens is obviously skeptical with him comment that, “until Brett says it himself..I’ll take all the Brett Retirement talk with a grain of salt..just like I always do..”

Elliot, (our very own) CCUB reporter:
Scroll down and you can see this one for yourselves, but I think his overall feeling on the situation can be summed up with his one word, “Really?”

Serena Williams, tennis player:
Might be the only one in America actually taking Favre seriously. She tweeted, “Am I the only one who’s eyes are watering. #BrettFarve is great!!! Hate to see an era end…”.

Bus Cook, Favre’s agent:
I like to think of it as the icing on the cake that Brett’s own agent said of his “retirement(s)”, "...Goddammit, why does he have to be such a goddamned drama queen? Play, don't play, goddamn, people are getting sick of it. I'm getting sick of it!

Unless you happen to be one of the few surviving Brett Favre believers nationwide, it looks like the general consensus is the same: Brett – you’re full of shit. Give it up already. (And by that I mean the publicity stunt and your spot on the roster.) You were undoubtedly one of the greats of your day, but let’s get serious: that was a decade ago. Shit or get off the pot.

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