Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Buffalo Monkeys

Chan Gailey, head coach for the Buffalo Bills, lost his marbles at the team’s Tuesday practice.

After a few teenagers busted Trent Edwards’ balls for his long hair, being a native Californian and told him he was about to lose his spot against the third string QB Brian Brohm (Edwards is working towards regaining his starting position now), Gailey flipped his shit. After making the team skip the section the boys were sitting in for autograph signing, Gailey then went over to the kids and ripped them a new one.

Gailey said of the incident, “If you dog one of us, you dog all of us… if you say something derogatory to one of us, you're saying it to all of us.”

In the defense of the teens: check out his hair and sideburns – maybe I am just biased towards well groomed men (crazyy), but when you begin to look like a primate, I'd say it's time for a trim. From the way I see it, I'd say the kids were doing him a favor. And on the California note? Tattling on a couple of teenagers for making fun of you only further validates the need to make fun of native Californians: soft. The comment about being replaced? Ok, that might have been a bit of a low blow, but seriously? Don’t get your panties all in a bunch now, Gailey, it’s not that big of a deal.


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