Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tiger and Elin are Toast

As of yesterday, El Tigre and Elin are officially dunzo.

According to their statement, the ex-couple (aka BOTH of them) commented that “We are sad that our marriage is over and we wish each other the very best for the future.” Ha. Yea, I bet those were Elin’s exact thoughts right there. I mean, after she was dragged through the public eye amidst hookers, humiliation and sex rehab, I can see how she would be so understanding and kind.

While the couple didn’t give details of their breakup, it is rumored Elin received at least $100 mil from the cheetah. For those of you who were wondering what the deal was with the pre-nup on that one, El Tigre did make Elin sign one, but it was renegotiated after he decided to bang half the muffins this side of the Mississippi.

On a more serious note, Elin and El Tigre also commented that their main concern was their children and will split custody of their two sons, Sam Alexis, 3, and Charlie, 18 months.

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