Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Seriously who comes up with this shiz?

Has anyone, anyone heard of Christian Partner for Life? Anyone? Well they have named Tim Tebow "Most Eligible Christian Bachelor of the Year". Excuse me? First they say that he is a virgin, ummm yeah ok, are we talking virgin like Britney Spears was a virgin after her catholic school girl soft porn video "BABY HIT ME ONE MORE TIME"? Nope nope nope I will not be duped. Second, seriously? This guy is what Christianity is offering up as their most eligible bachelor and since when are there most eligible bachelor lists for christians anyways? I went to Catholic school for 12 years, and I am certain none of these lists would have every been approved for year book. I mean wouldn't the time spent picking out said bachelor be better spent on, oh I don't know, world peace?

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