Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Brett Favre retiring? Once again, I have no f***ing idea.

Yesterday, Brett Favre announced for the third time in his career that he would be retiring from the NFL. Apparently, after he had surgery on his left ankle, the magic wasn't there and he texted teammates to call it quits, saying that "they know what's going on with me". Really? Is that why Ryan Longwell, an NFL vet himself, said that Favre gave no indications that he was planning on retiring? Is that why less than a day later, Brett Favre does the exact same shit that he did the last time he retired and reverses course, saying that he will play if healthy? While I'm glad that most reports confirm that the decision is not based on money, I doubt that Favre's previous 'retirements' were based on the matter: The dude is very rich. What bothers me is that even though he has led the Jets and Vikings to at least relatively successful seasons coming out of 'retirement', Favre manages to single-handedly control the fate of an entire organization. Like the Jets did, the Vikings need Favre now. They don't have another proven QB, and they drafted in this past NFL draft under the assumption Favre would return. Favre was and still is one of my favorite QBs on the field. You can't not admire his risk-taking gun-slinger mentality. But c'mon Brett. Think a little before you send the entire NFL and Viking organizations into a state of panic. Use that calm, relaxed persona you so often are depicted as in those Wrangler commercials to realize that until you are 100% sure about something, keep your mouth shut to the public about it.


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