Wednesday, August 4, 2010

At Least Swisher isn’t a Pussy

Remember when this pussy fan had notorious fellow pussy Tim Tebow propose to his girlfriend for him? Apparently a Wikipedia-user with a sick sense of humor decided to take the joke a little too far when they altered the Yankees’ outfielder, Nick Swisher’s, page. The portion detailing Swisher’s proposal to his then-girlfriend, actress*, JoAnna Garcia, read,

“Football player Tim Tebow assisted Swisher with requesting (JoAnna) Garcia’s hand in marriage, by speaking to her parents and being present during the proposal.”

Swisher’s response when a Florida Today reporter mentioned the page?

“_BLEEP_ no! I don’t need some other dude to ask my girl to marry me. I’m a Major League Baseball player. I’m a man. I asked her on the balcony at my place in New York City. Tim Tebow wasn’t there.”

When the reporter brought up the fact that a fan had done it at one of Tebow’s autograph signings, Swisher came back with,

"Yeah, right. Like I went to a Tim Tebow autograph signing. Dude, please."

Good to know at least one man out there can still rightfully claim his dignity on that one. As for the rest of you Tim Tebow idolizers: you might as well do yourselves a favor and hand over your Man Cards now.

*Fun fact – Garcia played Samantha in Are You Afraid of the Dark for two seasons… Balllla.

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