Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lebron´s inability to just play basketball...

I know that when you are one of the top two NBA players in the game (I don´t think there would be too much argument that some order of Kobe and Lebron constitutes the two best players in the game...sorry Wade, Howard, and Nash fans), you have a larger public image that is necessary to uphold and develop. But Lebron´s decision to switch jersey numbers from 23 to 6 as a supposed "tribute to MJ" is ridiculous. If he really wanted to pay homage to the greatest player of all time, why wouldn´t he choose to be a part of the Jordan brand, or consider signing with the Bobcats after this summer? The whole act just reinforces that Lebron is just as much (or moreso)of a businessman than he is a basketball player. As Adrian Wojnarowski muses in his Yahoo Sports Article, the move puts all the spotlight on Lebron (instead of sharing it with Kobe), and opens more marketing opportunities needed to create the empire that Lebron wants. But all these business-oriented motives do nothing to dispel the reality that Lebron has not accomplished the most important element needed to cementing one´s status as a legend: winning an NBA championship. In a contract year with a team that clearly has the talent to win a championship (although Shaq might no longer have their back), I´m starting to wonder why Lebron doesn´t shift his focus to becoming president instead of playing basketball. He certainly can pull off looking snappy in a suit.


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