Sunday, November 22, 2009

Now It's Really Over

Omitting the five turnovers the Wolverines had yesterday, their performance versus the Buckeyes wasn't all that bad. Yes, Ohio State did win their sixth game in a row against Michigan. Yes, this means that Michigan definitely will not make a bowl appearance for the second year in a row, which is also the second season for Rich Rodriguez. Yes, the five turnovers were all by the starting quarterback, and four of them were interceptions. Yes, this was the last game of the season, and yes, it was at home.

But the final score was 21-10, which, considering OSU is ranked #10, is not the worst thing that could have happened. The defense played pretty well, and Denard Robinson had some successful running plays (although his lack of playing time leaves one to wonder if he can do anything else).

It was really sweet of Tate Forcier to text the Associated Press to publicize his feelings. "I lost that game." I'm glad he knows what happened.

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