Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Clausen is a pussy

Source: Irish QB Clausen punched by irate fan

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And what really happened is that Clausen, along with several other ND football players, decided it would be cool to go pick fights after they lost to UConn! That's right, UCONN. Unless it's a basketball game you're playing, this loss is horrendous. (Thank God that Weis will be looking for a new job after his coaching internship.)

After the defeat, Clausen thought it appropriate to go pick fights at the bar as witnessed by anyone who was actually there. Then, because he sucks so much, Clausen couldn't win the fight and is now reporting to the media that he got punched by an irate fan. Undoubtedly fans were irate. It probably enraged them more that Clausen had the balls to hit up the South Bend bars after he lost to UCONN when he clearly should have been at home contemplating his life and how much he sucks.

And, just for good measure, I would like to point out that Brady Quinn LOST TO THE LIONS. Charlie, you and your quarterbacks suck. Rather than leading your team to victory you've probably taught them nothing more than how to win a hot dog eating contest.

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