Friday, November 20, 2009

Mullets vs... Crew Cuts?

Did anyone else notice anything particularly odd about the World Series? No, Phillies fans, I don’t mean the Yankees' victory. Once they took off their caps, it looked like each team had a mandatory haircut that came with the uniform... and it was not pretty. Case in point:

- Two best teams in the MLB this year: the Phillies and the Yankees.
- Two worst haircuts of any year: the Mullet and the Crew Cut.

That being said: can someone tell me how in the name of Britney’s-shaved-head did two those hairstyles end up on our two 2009 World Series teams’ heads??

Exhibit 1: The Crew Cut
Oh yes: straight from the 90’s, this terrible judgment of what should be deemed acceptable in men’s haircuts is apparently making a comeback in New York. I’m not sure if the Yankee’s coach is paying off the team barber or what, but from the looks of it, they have all somehow been mistakenly hacked into this atrocious ‘do.

Joe Girardi Crew Cut
Joe Girardi - setting a bad example for his team with the crew cut.

Derek Jeter Crew Cut
Derek Jeter apprently didn't get the memo - he's using that razor in the wrong area.

Francisco Cerevelli hopping on the Crew Cut Bandwagon.

Exhibit 2: The Mullet
The name says it all. Even more sadly for the Phillies, I don’t think there was EVER a period when the mullet was even half-way legit. Around Philadelphia, though, they are growing as thick as swarms of Phillies groupies: and it seems they too will attach themselves however they can. In their defense, though, I am actually a firm believer that a Mullet can alter a right state of mind. That’s got to be the case, because, like the groupies, no one in their right mind would keep one around more than 24 hours.

John Kruk
It all started with John Kruk - the Original Phillies Mullet.

Pedro Martinez Mullet
Pedro Martinez rocking an Unruly Mullet

Cole Hamels Mullet
At least Cole Hamels had the decency to put a cap on his Beginner's Mullet

Has the world really come to a choice between mullets or crew cuts? It’s like picking between brightly colored faux-fur and platform shoes: you’d rather walk around in your birthday suit than be caught dead in either. C’mon boys, I’m begging you, let's trim it up.

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