Monday, November 16, 2009

Grandpa, Is That You?!?!

Eighty-six-year-old Titans owner, Bud Adams, is awaiting a bill from the Bills game. Aside from thinking it would be ironic to be billed after the Bills game, Adams also thought it appropriate to emphatically flick his own stadium off. When questioned about the incident, Mr. Adams insisted that he didn't realize his team was actually winning. When asked if he was aware that they had scored 24-consecutive points, Mr. Adams made a reference to his age and began to say something about chest pains around that point of the game.

Ultimately, Adams confessed to giving the "F.U." finger during the home game aware that his team was nearing a shut out of the Buffalo Bills, and he will accept any punishment from the NFL.

What remains to be seen is whether Adams simply doesn't want people to know he's losing his mind or whether he's really the most horrible old man alive.

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