Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Patriot's Brutal Loss Sunday Night

I think my friend Rob put it best when he said that watching the New England Patriots lose to the Colts on Sunday night was “like someone ripped my heart out, stomped on it, shoved it back in my chest along with eight sticks of dynamite, sewed me back up, resuscitated me, and then blew me to Kingdom Come”.

The Pats were up by 13 until the Colts scored with 2:23 left in the 4th quarter. With 2:08 remaining, (up by 6), New England decided to go for it on 4th and 2 on their own 28 yard line. True to form, referee Scott Green made another suspect call (can someone please give this man a refresher on forward progress?!), and gave the Colts the ball back. The Colts ended up scoring another touchdown for the win.

While I’m still optimistic about the Patriots’ chances in the playoffs given their (mostly) strong performance in Indianapolis, what really concerns me is that this win dashes any hope I had of NOT seeing Payton Manning on TV commercials this year. Seriously, I can think of 50 professional athletes I would rather see…hotter, less annoying, less gumpy…did I mention less annoying??

If anyone wants to know what I would like this holiday season, it’s Manning’s face off of my television.

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