Friday, May 8, 2009

Manny Will Always Be My Man

While listening to angry midwestern "Cheese heads" insist they were so over Favre and that they really didn't want him back all week, I thought to myself how nice it was to see Manny go on such amicable terms. It was like a great breakup; everyone is happier afterwards! Manny wants out, Boston wanted out, and everyone went to the Championship Series. It was a trade made in heaven. I even have an excuse to wear that Dodgers hat I stole from a friend cause I just look hot in it. Green Bay on the other hand had a bitter end with Favre, and although they deny it, they're begging for him back. $20 million to be the "ambassador"!? Is that a special teams position?

On the other hand, Ruby's Hipocratus attitude toward this whole thing is fabulously innocent. Let's face it, Manny doesn't want to be the only baby riding around with training wheels on his bike while everyone else is sporting a two-wheeler! Pretending that all professional baseball players aren't doing the same thing (on some level) is like believing in the tooth fairy! And its not just baseball. UConn basketball is in trouble for breaking the rules to get ahead. I could mention the Fab Five but I'll save that commentary for when I do my "Why the NCAA is Ridiculous - I'm Forming My Own Association" article.

Yeah, Manny got caught. They all do eventually. But, much like my theory on the NCAA violations, why don't we all stop lying about it so we can actually solve the "cheating" problem. I mean, if we're all cheating, let's all cheat and stop living by some fictitious rule book. Its like an adult who is afraid to tell their parents they smoke! If you're not playing by the "rules," why don't you just say so and at a minimum we can all stop LYING about it. That goes for everyone. Oh, and Congress, GET A LIFE or at a minimum do something of any value to our struggling nation (says the girl researching an unsolved 1967 murder but learning very quickly the FBI knew exactly who did it). We have bigger fish to fry folks! Like, get me my 401K back and then we can consider talking about the "K" pitchers throw!

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