Saturday, May 9, 2009


As my comrade previously implied, I am quite the naive lady. I accept it and quite frankly prefer to live in this innocent world I have created. This is why it always astounds me when trickery unfolds and I can actually recognize it. I always expect people to have similar moral compasses and to make decisions similar to what I would make, and when it becomes blatantly apparent how untrue this is and how naive I am, I can't help but laugh.

Which brings me to Gisele. I mean you have to hand it to the girl, she not only stole Bridget Moynahan beau, but now she is parading Bridget's child around like he's her own. I can't believe the paparazzi haven't blown this up and totally dismantled her character. I mean don't get me wrong, I don't know if Gisele actually stole Tom- I mean can you actually steal someone's heart if it doesn't want to be stolen anyway- but it is like she pick the hottest, most successful man in the nation, said I want him and got him with such ease it was like she was buying a pair of heels on Rodeo Drive. Not only that, she is now the mother of what will inevitably be an extremely handsome individual, and she did it without damaging that multi-million dollar body of hers.

Like I said, the birth of Tom and Gisele's relationship is all speculative, but wouldn't it be great if she also got her citizenship out of this whole thing? Kate, you're the soon to be lawyer, how does that all work? Nevermind, I know the answer. When you are filthy rich and crazy hot, who needs a document proving citizenship- they fly you in on a private jet and fan you down in the airport with Benjamins. Tom you are one lucky athlete. This predator picked you and though she'll probably be controlling and eventually make your life a living hell, she's a genius- sneaky, but a genius nonetheless. Millions, check. Husband, check. Baby, check. Citizenship, check. World domination, ?


  1. I am not sure that the paparazzi hasn't blown this up. She was on the cover of Vanity Fair last month discussing her baby take-over and pictures of her, Tom, and Jr. can be seen all over your favorite celebrity gossip sources.

  2. Nope, I do not accept. Unless "Star" has her on the front page without make-up and an article titled, "Homwrecker", I think she's still under the radar.

  3. She wasn't on the cover... but... and Vanity Fair did call her a homewrecker in so many words. But, I digress. To her credit, she did it with class unheard of in Hollywood.
