Friday, May 8, 2009

ManRam debate...

Inside scoop for all you followers out in WWW land, Kate believes and I quote, "And I seriously have to register a complaint about calling him ManRam. WTF is that? I don't know what happened to him out in California, but I'd still like to think he deserves more than ManRam."

I see your point Kathryn, and I am sure that Manny himself would also disapprove. However, Manny blatantly tried to paint a picture of an ignorant doctor. If in fact this doctor did prescribe this treatment option, it would mean that the he/she either had no clue about his/her patients life, including their career, or that they choose to prescribed it in spite of knowing Ramirez's profession. Either way, in my eyes, it paints this doctor to be root of the problem. SO instead of taking responsibility for partaking in such a treatment, he is passing the buck on to someone who will not and can not legally defend themself because of HIPAA laws. This is cowardly, and as a future physician, it pissed me off. Hence, ManRam.

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