Friday, August 13, 2010

This boneheaded move may have cost Bo his beau...but probably not

Ok, so in the past few days, a young couple that recently attended a Houston Astros' game together has begun to generate quite the publicity. In case y'all didn't hear, during Tuesday's game against the Atlanta Braves, Astros' third baseman Chris Johnson hit a foul ball towards the couple. Bo Wymble, the person supposed to be the 'man' in the relationship (not so clear after this dashing act of chivalry), decides to pull his best So You Think You Can Dance move and get out of the ball's way, allowing the ball to subsequently strike his girlfriend, Sara Saco-Vertiz, in the elbow. However, even if Bo had did what he had earlier promised he would do if a ball came their way (i.e. catch it), that may not have saved this relationship. Since the incident, all sorts of signs have come up indicating that the two were never really a serious item. First came the awkward conversation on CBS' "The Early Show", when Wyble didn't really know how to respond to the question of whether they were still together, before finally (and awkwardly) saying yes. This produced Saco-Vertiz's response that "It [the relationship] is not over because of the ball". Such a strong bond they share, one only reinforced by their facebook interactions. It seems like these two either decided from the beginning that their relationship was only a temporary one, and/or Bo was trying to be the biggest asshole/wimp possible so that the relationship would end quicker. Either way, I think the moral of this story is that unless you name your kid Bo Schembechler, don't name your kid Bo, because he will probably be a douche like this guy.

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