Thursday, May 6, 2010

Too Confusing...

I am totally confused... Why is it that professional athletes go to prostitutes for sex? I mean isn't one of the perks of being an athlete having biddies hang all over you, trying to make you their baby daddy? Tiger, any thoughts? To add insult to injury, Lawrence Taylor is arrested for being caught with a fifteen year old. Really dude? I mean were you high on another coke binge that you couldn't tell the girl was just a little babe? And, honestly I would like to know who the hell recruited you for Dancing with the Stars... such a bizarre show! So controversial! DWTS is suppose to be like a family show right? Yet, they have coke fiends, playboy models, and crazy reality mothers as contestants, not only contestants but STARS??? WTF. Ironic... if I think too much about it, I think my head might implode. PS The Giants SUCK!

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