Thursday, April 1, 2010

Holmes: It Wasn't Me


Saw me throwing a glass at a local Orlando nightclub?!  "It wasn't me," says Santonio Holmes of the Pittsburgh Steelers.  This Rosa Park-esque drama unfolded in the VIP section of club rain.  According to Holmes, some chick took his seat and he politely asked her to get up.  Then, she went all J-Wow on his ass.  According to the chick's lawyers, Holmes got all J-Wow on her ass and she got Snookie-punched (can you tell I went to Jersey last night?!).  Specifically, she claimed he threw a glass at her head when she refused to give up her seat. 

As a preliminary matter, it is likely the facts will show this 21 year old bimbo wasn't paying the tab, and therefore, Holmes was probably entitled to sit his ass down over this broad.  That said, I am sure the facts will sort themselves out in due time.

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