Monday, March 15, 2010

Tyson Trades in Boxing for Bird Racing

Mike Tyson Pigeon

Since having flown the coop, so to speak, on his boxing career in 2006, former American boxer Mike Tyson will be trading in his fighting days for something a bit more outrageous than usual. (If that's even possible after his infamous ear-biting incident with Evander Holyfield). Once unanimous in the boxing world for his particularly vicious style, Tyson will now be hosting a new Animal Planet show exposing the competitive world of pigeon racing. Wait... what??? Who even knew pigeon racing was a "sport"? At first I was going to say that whoever authorized a human carnivore around much less defenseless animals had obviously made a huge oversight. That was until Animal Planet's general manager commented that "Tyson's passion for his pigeons takes my breath away". Now I retract that statement: it's not that they had a momentary lapse of judgement, they're delusional. But then again, you know what they say: birds of a feather...

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