Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What not to do...

In case you needed more evidence that sex makes the world go round, Pete Carroll has left his dynasty at USC to move to Seattle, of all places. Rumor has it that Carroll is avoiding the SoCal drama that's about to hit the streets about banging a graduate student living in Malibu. Can someone say Rooooarrr?! Tiger can!

Lane Kiffin has been named the head coach of the USC Trojans. Personally, I think Carroll f'ed up. If you're involved in a sex scandal, coaching the Trojans is obviously the safe way to go. Seahawks, on the other hand, just seems dirty. Frankly, I think Carroll should have just bought himself a Cadillac and crashed it into a fire hydrant and a tree while his wife beat him with a golf club if he really wanted to avoid the media frenzy.

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