Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Stern Puts Arenas in Timeout

NBA commissioner David Stern has just decided on the punishment for Washington Wizards’ Gilbert Arenas: suspension for the remainder of the season. It has yet to be decided whether he will get the rest of his $16 million for this year. Am I the only one who thinks it’s crazy that he’s getting let off so easily?

Up until today, the players union had still been hoping that Stern would allow Arenas to play sooner than next season if they created a zero-tolerance gun policy. WHAT?? If they CREATED a zero-tolerance gun policy? Does that mean that the acceptance of guns was like a grey area before? In what messed-up world does it need to be laid out that guns are not allowed in the work place? It’s common sense if you ask me.

Ask any middle school student what the punishment would be if they brought a gun to school. I’m willing to bet my right arm (or at least my left pinky toe) that each and every one would reply with expulsion. If they were under the impression that they would be punished with a short little time out where they still got to play with their toys, I have a feeling the rule wouldn’t go over so well. Now what if an employee busted out a 12 gauge in the middle of the break room? Yea, I’m going to go ahead and say that unless you’re a cop, you would be f.i.r.e.d. on the spot. But what does Arenas get? A measly suspension and possibly the rest of his $16 mil for sitting on the sidelines. Must be nice, Arenas

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