Sunday, January 17, 2010

Old Habits Die Hard

While losing to the Ciabo Giants during a winter game in Santo Domingo, Jose Offerman decided the logical solution to the problem was to haul off and punch the first-base ump in the face. The entire thing is making me feel quite nostalgic – so reminiscent of a few years back when he went apeshit on the field and tried to take out two players with his bat after being hit by a pitch. Here’s an idea – move. Don’t sit there like a little girl trying to get walked. Keep in mind that one ended in him being sued for $4.8 mil after inflicting career-ending injuries. It is still unknown whether or not the ump will press charges this time. But then again, in his ... defense?, maybe he’s bitter about the fact he’s not an MLB All-Star anymore, or maybe because he rides the pine as team manager? (Great leadership skills, by the way.) I would say poor baby, but I don’t even have sarcastic sympathy for poor losers.

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