Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tiger turned kitty cat...

Jesper Parnevik has called Tiger out, stating that when he arrange the match between his former Au Pair and said cheater, he "thought he was a better guy than he is." Well no shiz Sherlock, I mean look at these girls he has been messing around with... One is a night club hostess and the other is a cocktail waitress, who claims a two and a half year relationship with a man who has only been married for five years. No wonder US broke the story. You almost have to believe that there are some serious man-haters on their investigations team. They not only got Tiger to crack under pressure, but they got a voicemail recording to boot. Silly Tiger, trying to run game on four different biddies at one time and doing it while out at the clubs no less. Daddy must have been too busy teaching you golf, to teach you how to be a faithful husband or at least how to have better game. One last thought. Please ladies, can we keep it classy and respect the institute of marriage. I mean there are kids involved here. If you see a ring or if you know he's Tiger Woods, roll like old school Craig David and just walk away.

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