Thursday, December 10, 2009

But, Wait... They're Not in High School Anymore...

If the Patriots and Wolverines are clearly not in high school anymore (although it might be hard to tell from the Michigan football record the past two seasons), then why are they being punished like toddlers? Some of the moves their authorities pulled this week are making me wonder…

After four players rolled into a Wednesday-morning meeting late, Bill Belichick sent them packing. If that unceremonious exit was the equivalent of being sent to the principal’s office for being tardy, can we assume that their lack of attendance at practice later that day meant they also got detention?

Second case in point: the University of Michigan putting bans on rather… errr… “personal” matters in the community showers? Thankfully, this one was just a rumor. After creating a panic among a good portion of the male student body (way to rat yourselves out guys), it came out after several days that the posters were only the work of a few unknown students living in the dorms. Whoever you boys are, my cap is off to you – hilarious.


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