Friday, November 6, 2009

We Want Soup and We Want It Now - Reason #4,945,060 I Hate the Yankees

It took me an hour and a half to get roughly a mile and a half this morning, all because of the Yankees. Unfortunately, my office is right across the street from City Hall Plaza, where today's parade concludes and the Yankees will be awarded the keys to the city.

This brings me to my next qualm - in the post-9/11 era we're seriously handing out keys to the city? In the city whose motto is "If you see something, say something," I feel compelled to speak up. First of all, why do they gets the keys to NYC? I'm pretty sure these guys don't have a problem with walking around freely in the city, win or lose. For example, A-Roid didn't think twice about walking around with Madonna last year when he team didn't even make the playoffs.

Secondly, the Yankees are the "World Champions" and all they get is a key to NYC that doesn't actually open anything. Shit, that sucks. Well thanks Mayor Bloomberg, you really outdid yourself. Now if we could get this thing over with so I can cross Broadway for some food, that'd be AWESOME!

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