Thursday, August 13, 2009

Kicking geeks

I am currently reading a book called "A Few Seconds of Panic," by Stephan Fatsis.  You know how there are some people in the world that you just look at and immediately know that they're a geek?  Fatsis is definitely one.  First of all, his last name if Fatsis, pronounced Fat-sis.  He's lucky he's a man although I definitely feel bad for any unmarried sisters he may have.  To cement his geek resume, Fatsis' previous book tracked his experience becoming a professional Scrabble player.  He was so successful in this geeky endeavor that he decided he wanted to be an NFL kicker at the age of 43.  

After being turned down by nearly every team in the league, Fatsis finally got the Broncos to agree to his proposal.  Let's face it, most NFL teams aren't staffed by geeks.  But, as I read I am beginning to appreciate Fatsis' determination and perseverance through his obvious handicap of being a geek.  He reports that he actually made some friends and was apparently comfortable and confident enough to approach his teammates to form these relationships.  And, for an old geek, he claims to have some athletic ability.  While no one can be sure whether Fatsis is inflating his stats, they were pretty bad so I'll take his word for it!  That said, I think it's a good read - check it out peeps!

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