Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cats fighting over a bitch

So Reggie Miller's on at least one person's shit list.  Apparently he's in a cat fight over a 25-year-old engaged to marry Alex Von Furstenburg named Ali Kay.  Von Furstenburg hired a pilot to fly over beaches in SoCal instructing Miller to leave married women alone.  As a testament to Von Furstenburg's intelligence, diction, and tact, he's not actually married to this chick so it's unclear whether she's actually the subject of the publicly communicated, yet nonetheless private, message.  Furthermore, I question whether Von Furstenburg knew of Miller's beach plans or whether he was relying on peeps like us to spread the word...

Considering Ali texted pics of herself looking like a 12 year old in a bikini, perhaps Ali and Reggie were hitting the beach together?

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