Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Really? Really....? That is "So Hood"

Adande: Kobe-Shaq and the Artest signing

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Sure, I can sympathize with making news sounds like good news. I, on the other hand, prefer to take a more critical stance. I suppose it's the lawyer in me. First of all, I am not sure I would prefer to live in LA over Cleveland. I can't say I wouldn't but I can't say I would. There is something about the superficial way of life in CA that rubs me the wrong way. There's something about Silicon Valley and Silicone that make the excessive hit of the financial crisis out west, well, obvious. It's the land of excess and make-believe. The situs of Neverland Ranch; the former home of the late Michael Jackson... that was foreclosed on. In fact, the state motto is Eureka, which means "I found it," referring to the gold rush. I think we all know how that turned out.

While I digress, the point is that it is all a dream. LA is a place were illusion seems like reality and the impossible seems possible (or is that Vegas). To think that Artest's chances of winning a championship in LA are better than in Cleveland is an illusion. Let's face it, Orlando nearly took Kobe down. No doubt, we were all surprised. Moreover, it's Kobe's team. Kobe is not a team player. In my estimation Artest would be foolish to risk his career and further damage his reputation by playing with Kobe.

Kobe's a guy that thinks he can do it on his own. He doesn't want help and he wants to be the star of the show. LeBron, on the other hand, is practically begging for some help. LeBron wants teammates. Kobe wants four other individuals who can maintain possession of the ball while he gets in scoring position. Kobe's mentality is not conducive to furthering the careers of those four other players. Because of my perception of Kobe's mentality based on his experience in the league, I truly believe that Artest (or really any talented players) added to the Caveliers roster would make them a better team than the Lakers simply because LeBron has a better attitude.

I've said this before, and I say it again: LeBron is regularly slated to be the next "MJ." Of course, this has been said of Kobe in the past but if he were the next Michael Jordan, he'd have solidified that status after 13 years in a league and 4 championships. The reason he will never attain that level of fame is not because he cheated on his wife (or raped a woman, whichever you prefer), but because he doesn't play like MJ. And I don't mean he doesn't score as many points. I mean that he doesn't inspire his teammates, he apparently threatens to bite them... or growls at them... or whatever that teeth thing was he had going on during the playoffs. Kobe has no Pippen because he's too selfish. Yet, Artest wants to try and be his Pippen...? Good luck. My prediction is Artest's next brawl will take place on the benches on the court rather than those in the stands and he'll wish he opted out of the illusion of LA.

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