Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reggie Bush Forfeits Heisman Trophy...

None of us at CCUB will ever be mistaken for being Trojans fans. But, as his Strapping Jock award suggests, we are all fans of Reggie Bush. However, not all is well for the Saints RB. First came the tension with Kim Kardashian. And yesterday, amidst alleged infractions of Bush receiving improper cash benefits and being the principal reason for the NCAA punishing USC, he decided (i.e. was forced) to give up his 2005 Heisman trophy. It's a shame that one of the most electrifying players in college football history couldn't resist the lure of more immediate financial stability. USC officials have returned their copy of Bush's Heisman Trophy to the Heisman Trophy Trust. And more trouble could be on the way, as the NCAA will now turn to determining whether the Trojans will maintain their 2004 BCS title. I'll leave it to Trojans fans to decide what Bush's legacy should be, but putting one of college football's premier (if not also despised) programs on probation is probably not the best way to "Fight On" for many Trojans fans.

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