Wednesday, August 11, 2010

U.S. Olympic Runner Found Dead in Car

U.S. Olympic sprinter, Antonio Pettigrew was found dead in the backseat of his own locked car yesterday morning. After his wife reported him missing shortly after midnight, two friends found his car parked on the side of bridge between his house and work.

Now this is what I think is weird. Although there were no witnesses and no signs of foul play, the police officer who arrived on the scene reported that Pettigrew had taken sleeping pills, but toxicology reports won't be back to confirm for 4 weeks. Wait, huh? So how are you sure he took them then? Typical donut-shoveler... One thing police are actually admitting they just aren't sure about, though, is whether his death was an accident or suicide.

Pettigrew was formerly a member of the 4x400-meter U.S. Relay team that won the gold in the 2000 Olympics and was employed as the assistant track coach for North Carolina State.
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