Friday, May 14, 2010

Celtics, Lebron, and the Shaqtastic Bounty Hunter

Last night the Celtics won game 6 against the Cavaliers and clenched the series. Kevin Garnett posted a double-double and his good health proved the team, aging and all, is strong enough to beat any team in the NBA. It also clenched Rajon Rondo win as CCUBs Strapping Jock of the Month, post to follow.

The game also marked an interesting point in LeBron James' career as he enters free agency this summer. Another notable end may be the end of Shaq's long and accomplished NBA career which seems to be slipping under the radar amidst all the Bron Bron chit chat. I for one, hope that Shaq returns to his days as a 2.5. Perhaps his can follow in his ex's footsteps and film a show entitled, "Shaqtastic Bounty Hunter."

The Celtics took a strong lead from the beginning with the Cavs staying in the game for all but those crucial minutes in the fourth quarter. Notably, James was seen shaking each and every Celtics player's hand before leaving the court. He may have even hugged one of the concession workers, although that has yet to be confirmed. Unfortunately for Josh Cribbs, the Celtics victory means he'll have to twitpic himself in downward facing dog pose.

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