Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Boston is Blowing Up Like Charles Barkley

Last night the Celtics, the Bruins, and the Red Sox won, bringing much joy to Boston sports fans.  Much to Cav supporter Josh Cribbs' dismay, Bron Bron and his crew got their asses whooped in Cleveland.  Not that we at CCUB need another reason to dislike the state of Ohio, but the Cavs certainly didn't give us one with the 104-86 loss to the obviously superior Celtics.

In other Boston sporting news, Patriot Leigh Bodden attended last night Bruins game.  The 3-2 victory not only propelled the Bruins along in the playoffs, but also made Leigh a hockey fan!

Finally, the Red Sox beat the Angels by, what some would call, a landslide. Final score 17-8. Particularly like Pedroia's home run Dustin is my bf!!! :)

Keep up the good work Boston! (Although, personally, I'm a Red Wings fan...)

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