Thursday, April 29, 2010

Where do you find the time, Tiger?!

El Tigre allegedly had 121 affairs during his 5 year marriage to Elin which begs the question, where ever do you find the time?! Allegedly, the straw the broke the camels back was Tiger screwing his young neighbor - as if the other 119 women or so were just water under the bridge. I actually heard from a reliable source that what REALLY happened was Tiger gave Elin "something," if you catch my drift. Then, upon hearing that one of his mistresses was going public, his own mother beat the ish out of him on Thanksgiving.

Either way, both Mr. and Mrs. Woods have been spotted visiting with divorce lawyers. Remember Elin, "Don't get mad, get everything!"

1 comment:

  1. Well said.. who is this reliable source and please post pic of the neighbor...119? WOW
