Monday, April 19, 2010

When Will Athletes Learn: Drug Tests Show Substance Abuse

I thought it was an easy concept to grasp, but apparently not. When are athletes going to learn? Drug tests show substance abuse. That means How many athletes will need to get caught before they learn: hence the "test" portion, the idea is to pass by not having toxins in your system. Duh.

Contrary to popular belief, this matter appears to be trickier than it seems. At the scouting combine both Southern California tight end Anthony McCoy and Georgia Tech running back Jonathan Dwyer failed their "exams". McCoy tested positive for marijuana and Dwyer tested positive for amphetamines (apparently because of taking prescription drugs).

Ok, so let me get this straight: you are willing to risk throwing away your careers over a joint and possibly some Adderall? Maybe McCoy fried a few too many brain cells smoking the reefer, but Dwyer? If it was Adderall, usually when students use it illegally it's to help them cram for papers and exams. That being said, shouldn't you at least be a little smarter for it? Apparently not. For his sake, I hope his claim to prescription drugs was a lie and that he at least used some hardcore amphetamine like speed. If you're going to get caught, you might as well have done something a little more fun to land you in trouble.

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