Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The appropriate way to spell HOMEWRECKER should just be "HO"

Tiki Barber is running around with his mistress while his 8mo pregnant wife is filing for divorce. Now why can't Comcast just call it for what it is. Mitress is so polite, romantic, and sly. They call Traci Lynn Johnson "sultry" and mention that she's 23 but just kinda skim right over it... Well, I have quite a different take. Traci, you're not a mistress- you're a HOMEWRECKER just like all of Tiger's biddy's. If I knew the accurate spelling of "Ho/Hoe", I'd call you that too along with a laundry list of other profanities, but alas I don't care enough about you to waste time looking it up. However, I will say one other thing... Tiki's wife is 8mo pregnant, which means he was making love to her, and poking you on the side... and not to get crass, but probably pulling out while he did it. So is being a mitress all that "sultry" or is she just plain old easy, "whores, running around, shaking their behinds for the men-folk.". Go on Ginny. You don't need him... you goes raise your boys, and teach them how to pick out CLASS from TRASH.

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