Wednesday, March 24, 2010

No One Likes OSU Fans

I am notorious for my aggression toward rival fans.  While I don't get violent, like Ruby, I do have several tricks up my sleeve.  On Sunday, while watching the Syracuse basketball game, I spotted an Ohio State fan.  On my way to the bathroom, I had to pass his table.  I decided to impart some wisdom on him.  "No one likes the Buckeyes," was all I said.  Obviously, not realizing that what he might have to say in response was a complete waste of my time, he began to explain that OSU has over 200,000 fans.  I simply flicked him off and walked away while he was mid-sentence.

The moral, if you went to OSU, you aren't as smart as Michigan fans.  If you're a fan and didn't even go there, no comment.  Needless to say, I spent the remainder of my afternoon nonchalantly throwing ice cubes at the nut fans.  It was glorious.

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