Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Jersey Net's CEO Goes Jersey Shore on Fan

Brett Yormark

After losing 99-89 to the Miami Heat Monday, I think it's safe to say New Jersey Nets' CEO, Brett Yormark, was a little heated about their loss. In fact, late in the second half of the game, Yormark got so pissed he got out of his plush, court-side seat to take out his frustration on a fan who had put a brown paper bag over his head in shame. All things considered, I think the Jersey follower took his spanking by a pro-basketball coach in stride. When Yormark freaked out and demanded to know why the guy was wearing the bag, the fan replied with, "because the Nets are so good". Yea, considering Monday's game was their 14th straight home loss, I'm going to go out on a limb and say I sense some sarcasm in that comment. While the rest of us might consider the NJ CEO's episode a little reminiscent of oh, say, Jersey Shore?, yesterday he released a statement standing by his actions. Whatever you say, Pauly D.

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