Thursday, January 28, 2010

the dumbbell, an oxymoron...

According to the New York Times, and one Rachel Estrada, the dumbbell is apparently not so dumb. Weight training, as opposed to cardio and toning exercises, apparently bulks up the most important muscle we have... Da Brain.

SIDE NOTE: the brain is not in fact a muscle, and actually the heart is really the most important muscle we do have. I fibbed to make a joke... I'll be sure to start taking some comedy classes.

Women who participated in strength training exercises reported an increase in mental acuity of 10-12% after a year, whereas by comparison the yogis actually demonstrated a minimal decline of 0.5%.

Since I have just returned from a yoga class, I guess I can blame my lame joke on my under stimulated brain. Toodles... apparently I have to hit the gym tomorrow and PUMP IT UP!

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