Monday, January 18, 2010

Cheaters, Cheaters, Steroid Eaters

Speaking of cheating, history shows some of the unmarried ones like to follow in their colleague’s footsteps. Swapping underage, implanted and over-tanned broads for pill popping and shooting up, it seems the records of some of our other beloved sports stars aren’t exactly squeaky clean, either. From Barry Bonds to Gary Sheffield to Andre Agassi, it’s a long list of athletes who’ve gotten busted for performance-enhancing drugs. Hell, Jason and Jeremy Giambi even made it a family affair. While I know we are so close to perfect it’s scary, women aren’t getting off scot free this time; swimmer Jessica Hardy and hurdler Sandra Glover were both nabbed for ‘roids too. The sport of cheating has become so popular that Alex Rodriguez and Roger Clemens have started the trend of being two-time two-timers – they top the prestigious list of those who like fail both their wives and blood tests.

As if that wasn’t enough already, the movement has even been affecting the oh-so-impressionable minds of the industry’s youngsters. Anyone else remember the case of the 23 FSU athletes caught cheating on tests? C’mon guys – the NCAA only requires you to have a 2.1 for eligibility, and I think it’s pretty common knowledge that universities can pad the grades of those realllly tough courses you enroll in. With this in mind I’ve come to the conclusion that these cheating sensations gripping the athletic population aren’t out of must, but like their (in)fidelity counterpart, lust. Between falsified exams, failed blood work and too many mistresses to count, cheating hasn’t just become a
pre-req for athletes, but a preview of the behavior to come.

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