Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Speedos Are Not Sexy

Michael Phelps failed to qualify in two of three final races at the World Cup. Phelps didn't even bother to shave his beard before the competition. In fact, Phelps opted for a traditional speedo over an oh-so-sexy racing suit. Apparently, Phelps thought he would show some skin, forgetting that speedos and swimmers are not sexy.

Although Phelps won eight gold medals in the 2008 summer Olympics, he didn't qualify for the 100 freestyle or the 100 backstroke, which is just disappointing! I expect more from a Wolverine, speedo or not!


  1. I beg to differ. Speedos are hot when worn by fit guys and especially world-class athletes like Michael Phelps. Get with the program!

  2. That's just what your mother told you when she wanted you to like swimming lessons when you were little.
