Monday, November 30, 2009

Really Tiger, A Stanford Boy Should Be Smarter

Isn’t it a little frightening that all information seems to point to Tiger Woods being an abused husband? I mean, let’s face it, with rumors swirling about Tiger's infidelity, his wife breaking rear windows in an Escalade to retrieve her husband, and statements by the police that she was found hovering over his semi-conscious, bruised and battered body, he doesn’t really look so good.

Perhaps fueling the fire, Tiger made a statement that the accident “was his fault.” Generally, when you are in a car crash in the middle of the night alone, the accident is your fault. However, when your wife is chasing you around with golf clubs, someone might come to a different conclusion.

Here are some questions I have: if the crash took place at 2:25 a.m. and police responded at 2:28 a.m. to find Tiger had already been removed from the car, how did Elin have time to go out, realize she couldn’t open the car door, run back inside, find a golf club, smash the back window, AND remove her husband from the car?

Second, even assuming that there is some excuse for this, who is that seriously injured in such a minor car crash? I mean, I was in a really bad accident in a Cadillac CTS going roughly 80 miles an hour and despite the car being totaled, both the driver and I were able to open our doors and get out of the car. The reality is that a front impact doesn’t prevent someone from opening a door on the side of the car.

Third, where the f were you going at 2:25 a.m. on Thanksgiving?!

Fourth, it’s not that embarrassing. Just about everyone has had a car accident before. It’s only embarrassing when you do something stupid. While hitting stationary objects you should obviously know about because they are outside your driveway is probably stupid in and of itself, the reality is that something just isn’t right. The fact that Tiger feels “embarrassed” is only furthering suspicions that there’s more to the story.

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