Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Is Anyone Else SICK of A-Rod and Jeter??

I cannot bear to look at A-Rod or Derek Jeter for one more second...and it is making watching the world series quite difficult. A-Rod, what is with the stupid face you keep making where you pucker your lips and squint your eyes when you know you’re on camera?! Seriously. How about you just focus on hitting the ball? And Jeter, you could not be more awkward. Everyone talks about you like you’re something to look at, but every time I’m forced to look at you, you contort your face into this goofy and awkward expression. And keep your eyebrows down! Why are you always raising one?!

As a Boston Red Sox fan I find myself in the uncomfortable position of having to root for the Phillies as they try to win back-to-back World Series Championships. I’m uncomfortable with this because it downplays the awesomeness of the Sox winning Championships in 2004 and again in 2007. Also we’re only leading Philly and the Giants in overall World Championship wins by 2 championships, and if the Phillies win the series this year they’ll only trail us by 1. Still, my overall hatred for the Yankees, combined with these 2 clowns and they’re stupid faces really leave me with no other option…Go Phillies!

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