Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hines Ward: Settling School-Yard Scores on the Field?

Earlier this month, Hines Ward could be seen sitting around a dinner table with a group of bi-racial teens, sharing stories of the hardships they faced growing up half-Korean. Interestingly enough, even though every guest had a different tale of how they had been bullied, they were all still able to chew their meals quite normally.

Unfortunately, not all victims of bullying are so lucky. Take, for example, Keith Rivers of the Cincinnati Bengals. Last year Rivers’ jaw was broken by Sport’s Illustrated’s newly voted “Dirtiest Player”: none other than dinner host Hines Ward himself… Somehow that prime rib just doesn’t sound quite as appetizing. Winning the honorable title in a landslide (earning nearly double the votes of his closest competitor), perhaps he was simply trying to share a different kind of story with Keith? The story of childhood revenge.

To top it off, even after that stunt Ward had the audacity to revert back to Junior High and bust out the underdog card yet again. During a New York Times interview about a recent trip to South Korea he talked about how he, “… got more love there than I did in the States.” Yea, maybe because your games aren’t aired internationally.

Then again, maybe I’m being too harsh. Maybe the Steelers Receiver received one too many swirlies from those childhood bullies and it went to his head in a different sense. Maybe that last headlock cut off his breathing just a few seconds too long. If I had to make an elementary diagnosis of what the problem is, though (Ruby is our only certified Head Medic), I’d be more likely guess a case of phantom- SuperWedgie: it’s looking pretty likely that his jock strap is just still in a bunch.

Whatever the real reason for his downright ruthless behavior on the field, I say he’s a little old to be holding grudges like a little schoolgirl. So grow up, Hines: we’re not on the playground anymore.

Let’s not forget to give a hand to the Dirtiest Player honorable mentions:

- Albert Haynesworth – Redskins
- Joey Porter – Dolphins
- Roy Williams – Bengals
- Kevin Mawae – Titans

… At least they can say they play ruthless to win, not because they are still bitter over a 5th grade game of dodgeball gone wrong.

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